

Summer Isolation 2017 TOUR

As you might have heard, we are back on the road, well we're always on the road really. We've been asked to open part of SPOON's EU tour! Plus a ton of other cities around that. All you have to do is show up, we will be there. It's a promise.

17/06 Berlin, Germany - Astra Kulturhaus Berlin w/ SPOON
18/06 Prague, Czech Republic - Underdogs' Ballroom & Bar w/ Purling Hiss
19/06 Munich, Germany - Technikum w/ SPOON

22/06 Leipzig, Germany - TANZCAFÉ ILSES ERIKA w/ Strand Child
23/06 Dortmund, Germany - Etepetete - indie music festival
24/06 Copenhagen, Denmark - Amager Bio w/ SPOON

 25/06 Magdeburg, Germany - Theater an der Angel w/ Strand Child
27/06 Mainz, Germany - Kulturclub Schon Schön w/ Strand Child
28/06 Munich, Germany - Rumours w/ Strand Child
03/07 Cologne, Germany - Gloria w/ SPOON

04/07 Trier, Germany - Exhaus / Trier w/ Priests
05/07 Paris, France - La Maroquinerie w/ SPOON (Sold Out!)

06/07 Paris, France - Supersonic TBC
07/07 Soliera (MO), Italy - Arti Vive Festival w/ KEVIN MORBY
08/07 Pegnitz, Germany - Waldstock Festival
09/07 Chiusi (SI), Italy - Lars Rock Fest w/ Austra

15/07 Offagna (AN), Italy - New Evo Festival 
19/07 Pesaro, Italy - Dalla Cira - Produzioni
21/07 Benevento, Italy - Soundproof Festival
22/07 Brescia, Italy - Musical zoo Festival
28/07 Iglesias, Italy - Summer Is Mine Festival
29/07 Porto Ferro (SS), Italy - Baretto
02/08 S. Teresa di Gallura (SS), Italy - The Brambles Arts
+ more to be announced